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Job Seeker News

Success Story Salmaan

Published on Thursday, 19 October 2023

Salmaan's success story

After completing his Supported Internship, Salmaan was interested in getting more experience in the workplace while looking for long-term employment.

With a system migration project underway, our Employment and Skills Team needed extra help for the administrative work. This would be a good opportunity for Salmaan to get more practical work experience and solidify the new skills he had learnt from the internship. To help him with this transition, we assigned a job coach to assess his needs and whether adjustments would be needed. The team only had to ensure that the office building is accessible and that a mentor would be in for the Salmaan’s working day.

Salmaan joined the team in April for work experience. He enjoyed his work and conversation with his teammates. He found everyone helpful and supportive. He shared: “Getting to the office is already an achievement for me, and becoming more independent at work is another achievement that I had never even imagined!”

His manager recalled that Salmaan was quite shy at first but came out of his shell gradually. He shared: “Making adjustments for team members with additional needs is just about learning and adapting. Salmaan always brightens up the office with a big smile on his face. He is a loyal and valued member of our team. The team get to develop people and our team spirit has become stronger. It is a win-win for everyone!”

Salmaan has just secured a paid role within the Council in 2024.

If you are out of work and would like to learn about the support we can offer, please contact us on  0121 704 6869 or employmentteam@solihull.gov.uk.

If you are an employer and would like to get support for hiring more inclusively, you can also reach our team on 0121 704 6869 or employerengagementteam@solihull.gov.uk.

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